Dr. Michael J. Salas, PsyD, LPC-S, LCDC, CSAT, CST
Sex Therapist, Certified Sex Addiction Therapist, Owner and Founder
Michael helps individuals and couples who are dealing with problems relating to sex addiction, problems with pain during sex, sexual issues for men, and LGBT specific issues. He has specialized training in sex therapy, as well as sex addiction therapy. He is the owner and founder of Vantage Point Counseling Services.
E-mail: E-mail Michael Now
Phone: 214-310-0417 ext. 1

Zach Ramsey, MS, LPC, CSAT
Licensed Professional Counselor and Certified Sex Addiction Therapist
Zach has a passion for helping individuals and couples who are struggling with issues relating to sexual compulsivity. He has specialized training from IITAP and Dr. Patrick Carnes, who is the leading proponent in the field of sex addiction. He has experience working with a residential treatment program, helping clients understand the basis of their addictions, and learn to manage problematic behaviors. Zach is also an ally for the gay and lesbian community, and helps many individuals who identify as gay or lesbian by offering a safe place to discuss their issues.
E-mail: Email Zach today
Phone: 214-908-5962
Phillip McCulley, MA, LMFT, CSAT
Marriage and Family Therapist
Phillip specializes in helping couples and families reconnect. He has training in sex addiction therapy for couples that are dealing with compulsive or out-of-control sexual behavior. In particular, those who are working to repair lost trust. Phillip also has a specialization in LGBT affirming therapy. He works with many gay and lesbian couples, and also works with the transgender and gender non-conforming people who are looking to improve their self-esteem and relationships.
E-mail: Email Phillip today
Phone: 214-310-0417